

2–5 February 2021


Thematic Discussions

Culture and multiple logics when designing: understanding, navigating and influencing multiple worldviews as part of service design


Presenting Author(s): Daniela Sangiorgi and Simon Clatworthy
03 February 2021

This panel session aims to discuss the meaning, manifestations and interrelations of culture and institutional logics. Both are relevant concepts in contemporary service design research, and we are interested in exploring the different understanding people hold of these concepts. As part of this we will investigate the current strategies used to understand them, navigate across them and possibly influence them while designing. We also want to use this panel to reflect on how we can develop this understanding in the future research, practice and teaching.

Chaired by Daniela Sangiorgi and Simon Clatworthy

Please note, if you are referencing any comments, questions and discussions from this particular event, please follow this citation guideline: ServDes.2020. (2021, February 3). Thematic Discussion: Culture and multiple logics when designing: understanding, navigating and influencing multiple worldviews as part of service design [Conference video recording]. Retrieved from https://servdes2020.org/events/20-culture-and-multiple-logics-whendesigning- understanding-navigating-and-influencing-multiple-worldviews-aspart-

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Josina Vink
Josina Vink
Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Josina Vink is an Associate Professor in service design at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO) and Design Lead within the Center for Connected Care (C3) in Norway. Josina’s research explores how design can create profound and significant change in healthcare by reshaping social structures. She recently finished her PhD on service ecosystem design at the Service Research Center (CTF) in Karlstad University, Sweden as a Fellow of the European Union’s Marie Curie Horizon 2020 program within the Service Design for Innovation Network (SDIN). In addition, she has worked for ten years as a service and system designer in health and care, including at the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation in the United States and the Center for Addition and Mental Health in Canada. In her practice, she has developed new services, supported policy change, facilitated shifts in practices across sectors, and led social lab processes.

Melisa Duque
Melisa Duque
Monash University

Research Fellow at the Emerging Technologies Research Lab, and full-time member at the Department of Design at Monash University. As a design researcher, my work sits at the intersection of Everyday Design, Participatory and Design Anthropology.

Diseñadora e investigadora colombiana, viviendo en Australia. Interesada en practicas de diseño cotidiano para la revaluación y bienestar. Trabajando con temas de reúso, salud y tecnología.

Simon Clatworthy
Simon Clatworthy
Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Simon is professor of interaction design and is responsible for the area of Service Design at the school. Simon started working with interaction design using participatory design methods for the design of control rooms in 1983. Since then his work has swung between research and professional consultancy. He built and led a successful multidisciplinary team at Telenor that developed future business concepts for mobile services and interactive TV. He has led a large Nordic ICT consultancy, run his own company and been in a dot.com start-up.

His research interests stem from his MBA in Design Management, and have very much focussed upon the role of design at the strategic and tactical levels of an organisation. His focus during the past years has been upon enabling organisations to create value from incorporating design into the innovation process. More recently he has started to focus upon how organisations should change such that they can better develop and support the delivery of memorable customer experiences. This bridges multiple disciplines from marketing, organisational design, change management and service design.

Joyce Yee
Joyce Yee
Northumbria University, UK

Joyce Yee is Associate Professor at the School of Design, Northumbria University, UK. Joyce’s research explores how design is used to support, enable and drive change through the creation of innovative practices in organisations. She co-founded the Designing Social Innovation in Asia-Pacific network (www.desiap.org) in 2015 with Yoko Akama. DESIAP is virtual learning network for social innovation practitioners using design to support their work. She has co-authored books on the future of design practice. Her lastest book, Transformations (2017), documented how design can support culture change and innovation in organisations. Recent research includes an investigation into the societal impact of creative districts in Thailand and the development of an evaluation framework to measure social impact in social innovation programmes.

Juan Sanin
Juan Sanin
RMIT University

Dr. Juan Sanin is Lecturer in RMIT School of Design and Fellow in the Health Transformation Lab, and the Social Innovation Hub. His teaching, research and practice focus on the collaborative design of everyday experiences that contribute to people’s wellbeing. His design projects are run as ‘Lo-Fi Living Labs’: co-creative platforms based on the implementation of local knowledge, low-technologies, DIY and friendly hacking techniques to develop tactical solutions for wicked problems.

At the moment, Juan is applying this perspective in two main initiatives: Creative Wellbeing and Speculative Sustainability. The Creative Wellbeing Program is an initiative to introduce creative practices (e.g. visual arts, literature) in psychiatric and aged care services. Speculative Sustainability is a program of design interventions using creative practices, visual activism and self-publishing to extend the lifecycles of material culture.

Daniela Sangiorgi
Daniela Sangiorgi
Associate Professor, Politecnico di Milano

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Daniela has conducted research at EU, national and regional level in service design for more than 15 years. She worked for eight years at the research group Imagination at Lancaster University till 2015. Her research theme is the role of design in the innovation and development of services and complex service systems, with a particular focus on the public sector. She has been involved recently in action research projects for the trasformation of mental healthcare ecosystems in Italy. Her research has been published in the Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management, The Design Journal, International Journal of Design, Design Studies among others.

Sarah Drummond
Sarah Drummond

Sarah is the Chief Digital Officer for Northgate Public Services and CEO of Snook. She is a designer and serial idea generator. She co-founded Snook, MyPolice, CycleHack, Dearest Scotland, Alloa Pride and The Matter. For this work she was awarded a Google Fellowship for her work in technology and democratic innovation and named as Good magazine’s 100 extraordinary individuals tackling global issues in creative ways. Sarah was given an honorary doctorate from the Glasgow School of Art for services to design in 2019.