Regional Panels
히치하이커를 위한 서비스디자인 안내서: 한국의 서비스 산업 고도화에서 나타나는 갈등과 모순 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Service Design: tensions and paradoxes along the maturation of service industry in South Korea
In South Korea, the growth of service design industry driven by the government has resulted in the oversupply of designers, reduced prices for their works, downgraded design qualities, and consequently a scepticism towards service design. There are also tensions between ‘service’ and ‘servitude’ when customer satisfaction is over-emphasised, causing undue stress and emotional labour for staff. In the discussion, the Korean panellists will introduce the paradoxes and tensions observed along with the maturation of service industry in South Korea and invite the audience to share their own experiences of addressing them. The panel consists of experts in service design research – Kyung Mi Lee (Cyphics), Nada Oh (Tangino Group), Ban Young-Hwan and Kim Sung-Woo (Kookmin University), Eun Yu (Seoul National University of Science and Technology), and Joon Sang Baek (Yonsei University).
A campaign promoting the human rights of service labourers in South Korea (Image Credit: Korea Federation of Banks)