Sung-Woo Kim
As a seeker of experience design pursuing "philosophy beyond technology," Professor Sung Woo Kimʼs research interests lies in somewhere among the three themes 1) design for humane technology 2) design for society and 3) design for unity. Areas that particularly interests Professor Kim are, but not limited to, social innovative design, design for government, public service design, QOLT (Quality of Life Technology), etc; just about any UX or service design that challenge wicked social problems to improve life quality and democracy. For instance, ‘Design for Unityʼ is a new research domain he has been developing since 2015, which focuses on how design can contribute to bring peace between South and North Korea and ultimately realize reunification of Korea. He is currently a professor for the Department of Experience Design in the Graduate School of Techno Design at Kookmin University located in South Korea. At school, he runs ‘Future Experience Design Lab,ʼ which focuses on bringing ‘better futureʼ through the blending of technology and design based on designʼs social responsibility.