

2–5 February 2021



Sounds good! Auditory representations in service design


Presenting Author(s): Ana Kustrak Korper, Vanessa Rodrigues, Stefan Holmlid, Johan Blomkvist
02 February 2021

Sound is one of the major elements in any servicescape. Be it the instant hiss of a coffee machine and light jazzy music in a coffee shop or the constant beep of medical equipment and sporadic human voices in a solitary hospital room, sounds profoundly influence human experience and drive our interactions with the world. Although sound plays an important role in design disciplines such as product and interaction design, its role in service design has surprisingly been quite muted. In contributing to the plurality theme, this workshop explores the role of sound in service design, especially its potential in informing and augmenting visual representations used to materialize different elements of service systems. For example, what information could a sounding stakeholder map reveal that could not be transferred though the visual means? Or how can we make visual representations more inclusive through sound?

Working with performative sonic exercises, such as scenario-based sonic blueprint, we aim to explore the interdependencies of visual and auditory representations. Together with the participants, we aim to explore and discover possibilities for novel methodological and practical insights that this integration of auditory and visual can bring. Participants are not required to have any musical training or specific knowledge to participate in this workshop. Therefore, we invite the ServDes community of various backgrounds to join us in experiencing and cocreating the sounding representations and help us to jointly reflect on the possibilities this can have for service design research and practice.

Europe (CET): 2nd February 2021 8:00 am to 10:00 am

US (EST): 2nd February 2021 2:00 am to 4:00 am

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Vanessa Rodrigues
Vanessa Rodrigues
Linköping University

Vanessa Rodrigues is a doctoral student in design at Linköping University, Sweden and a former Marie Sklodowska – Curie research fellow within the Service Design for Innovation Network. Her PhD research focuses on fostering a more nuanced understanding of resilience in service systems that better accounts for how to enable much needed service system resilience through service design. Other areas of research interest include the future of service design as well as designing for service systems, social impact services, nomadic welfare, healthcare and policy. She holds a M.Sc. in International Business from Maastricht University, The Netherlands and has prior work experience in hospitality and consulting.

Johan Blomkvist
Johan Blomkvist
Linköping University

Johan Blomkvist is a senior researcher at the Computer and Information Science Department at Linköping University. His research focuses on service prototyping and understanding the relationship between people and physical manifestations of service and design artefacts. Based on research within cognitive science and related fields, he has suggested new tools and explored existing ones throughout the development of service design in an academic context.

Ana Kustrak Korper
Ana Kustrak Korper
Linköping University

Ana Kustrak Korper is a PhD candidate at the Linköping University, Sweden. She was an early-stage researcher at the EU fellowship Service design for innovation network (SDIN), part of Marie Curie Innovative Training Programme, starting her PhD at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto in Portugal and continuing it at the Linköping University. Her educational background is in business and management, and musicology. Her research focuses on service design as an innovation practice especially in technology-driven organizations.