

2–5 February 2021


Luca Simeone

I work as a researcher, educator and professional consultant across interaction and service design, design management and innovation management – with a particular interest in critical and strategic thinking. I have conducted research and teaching activities at various universities (Harvard, MIT, Aalborg University, Polytechnic University of Milan, Malmö University and University of the Arts London), (co)authoring and (co)editing some 60 publications. I have founded and managed successful companies and award-winning design firms operating in more than 30 countries and with commercial hubs in Milan, Singapore, Toronto and Doha (key Clients include Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Dior, Sony). I also help private and public organizations (e.g. the European Commission and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) to define strategies, policies, and funding schemes to foster innovation. I am currently affiliated with Aalborg University in Denmark.