Regional Panels
景気減速社会のためになる"サービス"は何だろうか: How to reframe ‘service’ values in a Japanese de-growth society?
While Japan is the third largest economy in world, following China and the US, paradoxically, over the last 20 years, its economy has been under general degrowth due to increasing ageing population and severity in natural disasters. This means the modern agenda for rapid expansion and economic progress can no longer be the primary aims. The Japanese panellists – Yuki Uchida (Re:Public); Koki Kusano (Merpay and Keio University); Prof. Daijiro Mizuno (Kyoto Institute of Technology) and Prof. Masano Takeyama (Keio University) – bring their rich and varied professional experiences to re-frame what ‘services’ means in a culture that sets the global standard for service excellence that is paradoxical in being respectful and inflexible. They have assembled to share what other what 'services' are needed for a meaningful society when resources and population are diminishing? They aim to share their thoughts on building services and systems upon deep rooted practices, cultures and thoughts in Japan.