Nicola Morelli
Nicola Morelli (BArch, PhD) is Professor at the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology (AD:MT) at Aalborg University. He has been among the funders of the Master in Service Systems Design at Aalborg University. He has been teaching at Politecnico di Milano, RMIT University, Melbourne, HEAD, Geneve and ITU Instanbul. He is also participating as project manager, local coordinator or Work Package leader to other international projects, including My Neighborhood, Ludinno, Life 2.0, Open4Citizens, Designscapes, MUV and T-Factor. Nicola Morelli’s research focuses on user participation, social innovation and co-production, methodological aspects and design for policy. In the past few years he has been working on service design projects in the public sectors. His activity in European projects made it possible for him to collaborate with several private companies, academic and research institutions in other countries, such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, The Netherland, UK, Finland and Germany.