Judith Glover
Dr Judith Glover is a lecturer in Industrial Design specialising in teaching social and sustainable design with a particular expertise in gender and sexuality, the craft/ design nexus, and design for batch production. With a background in the metal trades and industrial design, her particular focus of practice currently is with ceramic production. Her PHD topic focused on the role that Industrial Design processes and methods could play in the future of socio-sexual behaviour and technology through the creation of safer, higher-quality sex toys for contemporary female consumers. Judith is interested in supervising projects that have either a strong material and process exploration or socio-cultural agenda and that relate to: object design and the craft/design nexus (and particularly ceramic production that explores traditional techniques with new twists of technology and materials); projects that look to explore gender, sexuality or sexual commodities; projects that explore socio-cultural scenarios such as ‘narrative’ through a continual making process; and, projects that focus on design in developing products for batch production.