Elenora Lupo
PhD, Associate professor at the School of Design, Politecnico di Milano. The main research topics concern the cultures of product and process design; the subjects of humanities driven innovation; the innovative role of design as a strategic and community centred approach to the exploitation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. In particular, considering the Cultural Heritage and Craft as an open-ended knowledge system for innovation, she is working on the concepts of activation and actualization of Cultural Heritage as innovative humanities and culture driven processes, and on the topic of cultural intensive performative artefacts and systems, bridging tradition with smart technologies and materials. She’s part of the research Section “Design and Cultures” of the Design departments, Milano Politecnico and teaches at the Design School of Milano Politecnico (www.design.polimi.it). Along the years has been lecturing in different schools in EU (Artesis-Antwerp, Elisava-Barcelona) Brasil (Unisinos-Porto Alegre), China (Polytechnic University-Hong Kong, Jiangnan University-Wuxi), has participated to several National and International Conferences and has participated and led many research programs (http://designview.wordpress.com/).