Bespoke tools for co-designing diverse and inclusive feminist futures
This workshop invites you to an in-depth discussion about the complexity of working with bespoke co-design materials. Together, we will examine different iterations of a set of tools that were developed for co-design workshops to interrogate (and envision anew) the relationship between gender and cities. Through examining these specific tools, we will discuss the wider complexity and opportunities within this work.
This workshop builds on the conference theme of “plurality” through close examination of bespoke tools that challenge participants to enact ‘feminist’ forms of problem-solving. The aim of these tools is to validate diverse experiences and amplify voices that often go under-represented in city planning processes. However, this workshop also engages with the “paradox” theme, with an awareness that using bespoke materials is not a simple solution for truly inclusive co-design practices.
Together, we’ll consider the implications of using these materials when exploring social issues like identity, diversity and co-imagining inclusive urban futures. At the end, you’ll leave with a more nuanced understanding of the tools you use in your own practice.
Europe (CET): 4th February 2021 8:15 am to 10:15 am
US (EST): 4th February 2021 2:15 am to 4:15 am
Please Note: This workshop is available to those who have registered and received an email confirming their attendance from the workshop facilitators. We apologise that we cannot accommodate additional participants.
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