Unblock the tension while implementing service design
The value of excellent service design can only be realized when it has an organization’s buy-in and is being implemented. Service Designers not only need to focus on designing excellent service but also need to be concerned with the implementation of design, in a smooth and sustainable manner.
In this highly practical and interactive workshop, we will introduce Ken Wilber's Integral Framework and AQAL map for a smoother implementation of the service design practice.
We encourage all participants to bring their real-life client/own scenario(s). We will uncover blind spots and explore new possibilities for creating project buy-in. At the end of the workshop, we will co-create a working template/checklist as a reference that helps us proactively address the potential and actual issues we will face during implementation.
Europe (CET): 3rd February 2021 8:15 am to 11:15 am
US (EST): 3rd February 2021 2:15 am to 4:15 am
Please Note: This workshop is available to those who have registered and received an email confirming their attendance from the workshop facilitators. We apologise that we cannot accommodate additional participants.
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